The ACS Junior Father & Son Camp at Sentosa was a thrilling adventure filled with outdoor activities aimed at strengthening the bond between fathers and sons. Participants engaged in challenges that encouraged collaboration and teamwork, fostering a deeper connection between generations. The challenges also provided moments where sons could shine, showcasing their skills and abilities, creating a dynamic and supportive environment. 

The ACS Junior Father & Son Camp at Sentosa was a thrilling adventure filled with outdoor activities aimed at strengthening the bond between fathers and sons. Participants engaged in challenges that encouraged collaboration and teamwork, fostering a deeper connection between generations. The challenges also provided moments where sons could shine, showcasing their skills and abilities, creating a dynamic and supportive environment.

Amid the scenic surroundings of Sentosa, fathers and sons enjoyed kayaking together, experiencing the joy of paddling as a team. The event included outdoor cooking sessions, adding a flavour of adventure to the day. A campfire performance added to the atmosphere, creating a memorable and cozy evening for the participants.

The Father & Son Campconcluded on a spirited note with a friendly soccer competition among friends, emphasising the importance of camaraderie and sportsmanship in fostering lasting relationships.


Overall, the ACS Junior Father & Son Camp at Outdoor Adventures in Sentosa successfully combined adventure, teamwork and shared experiences to create lasting memories for both fathers and sons.


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