On the 10th of October 2021, we completed a total of 35km! Launching off from Outdoor Adventures new site known as KOKOMO Beach Club! Our team consists of many kayak enthusiasts who have at least a SeaOPS 2 Star Sea kayaking expedition certificate. This is achieved by clocking in at least 50km of distance before starting on the 2 Star expedition journey.


Helping one another to bring the sea kayaks to the beach, the team was well prepared and mentally ready for the journey. The day’s objective was to keep everyone safe and travel towards the north! Keeping in formation was a key practice for the team as this is essential to keep everyone in sight when out at sea. Managing change is a key learning point that we shared and this learning is consistent with the metaphor of the sea! The waters are constantly in motion, winds and tide will change direction and the weather is also fairly unpredictable.

It was a nice reward upon reaching SAFYC for lunch and launching back to the east. On our way back, it started to rain really heavily! Visibility was impaired but the team closed up on their formation and seeked shelter! Hours later everyone finally returned to KOKOMO Beach club safely!

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